Conference program (provisionnal)

Wednesday 9th October 2024
13:30 - 14:00 Welcome of participants
14:00 - 14:15 Opening speech
  Session 1. Tectonic evolution of Jura: insights from multidisciplinary approach  (Chairman F Choulet) 
14:15 - 15:00 Peter Jordan
Gruner, CH; Uni Basel
Keynote.Hans Peter Laubscher and the Jura fold-and-thrust belt
15:00 - 15:25 Jon Mosar
Uni Fribourg ,CH
On basement tectonics and décollement in the Jura Mountains
15:25 - 15:50 Bertrand Maillot
GEC, Univ Cergy, FR
Mecanical modelling and tectonic style
15:50 - 16:20 Coffee break
  Session 1. Tectonic evolution of Jura: insights from multidisciplinary approach  (Chairman F Choulet) 
16:20 - 16:45 Raphael Schneeberger
Nagra, CH
Eastern Jura tectonics 
16:45 - 17:10 Luca Smeraglia
Timing of deformation and past fluid flow in Jura
17:10 - 17:35 Catherine Homberg
ISTEP, Sorbonne Université/CNRS, FR
A review of Paleoconstraints in Jura 
19:00 Gala dinner at Besançon (Restaurant-péniche Le Chaland)  
Thursday 10th October 2024
08:00 - 08:30 Welcome of participants
  Session 2. Tectonics and applied geology  (Chairman J Albaric) 
8:30 - 9:15 Pierre-Yves Jeannin
Keynote. Applied geology and enginerring projects in the Jura 
9:15 - 9:40 Hélène Celle
Chrono-Environnement, Univ Fcomté/CNRS, FR
Hydrostructural : what tectonics brings to aquifer konwledge 
9:40 - 10:05 Benoit Valley
Uni Neuchatel, CH
Current stress field and its importance on geothermal project development in the Jura
10:05 - 10:30 Marius Gruber & David Polasek
Hydro-Géo Environnement Sàrl, CH
Geothermal prospection at the Jura – Molasse Basin transition
10:30 - 10:55 Coffee break
  Session 2. Tectonics and applied geology  (Chairman J Albaric) 
10:55 - 11:20 Christophe Nussbaum
Swisstopo, CH
Fault zone in claystone: the contribution of the Mont Terri Underground Rock Laboratory
11:20 - 11:45 Benoît Hauville
45-8 Energy, FR
Helium exploration in Avants-Monts (NW Jura), a good opportunity to acquire new data and revisit the structural setting
11:45 - 12:10 Laurent Beccaletto
Late Paleozoic basins : geodynamics and resources in western Jura
12:10-12:35 Andreas Kuehni
Salines suisses, CH
Exploration and exploitation of salt in the Jura
  Buffet lunch  
  Session 3. Recent/Active defomation along the arc  (Chairman J Albaric) 
14:00 - 14:25 Christian Sue & Julie Albaric
ISTERRE, Univ Grenoble/CNRS, FR/
Chrono-Environnement, Univ Fcomté/CNRS, FR
A review of active deformation in the Jura in the framework of the Western Alpine system
14:25 - 14:50 Tobias Diehl
New insights into present-day seismotectonic processes of the Jura fold-and-thrust belt from recent seismicity
14:50 -  15:15 Jérome van der Woerd
ITES, Univ Strasbourg/CNRS, FR
Seismicity, deformation and geomorphic processes in the southern Upper Rhine Graben
15:15 - 15:40 Amélie Quiquerez
Artéhis, Univ Bourgogne/CNRS, FR
What neotectonics may bring to archeological investigation
15:40-16:05 Robin Marchant & David Giorgis
Naturéum -Muséum cantonal des sciences naturelles, CH / Etat de Vaud, DGE, CH

Tectonics of the Alpine foreland: what lies beneath the lakes?

16:05 - 18:00 Poster session and cocktail closure
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