Welcome page

Dear colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to Jura Tectonics 2024 Conference, a workshop dedicated to tectonics in the Jura and their implication for applied geology projects. 2024 is the 100 years anniversary of the birth of Hans-Peter Laubscher, who pioneered modern geology in the Jura and shaped most of our view of its tectonics. Jura Tectonics 2024 Conference is the opportunity to discuss its heritage at the light of current research and projects.

The conference will take place in Besançon, France, between the 09th and the 10th of October 2024. In addition to the conference event, we propose a post-conference field trip day in the Internal Jura (October 11th). In this website, you can find basic information and more details, including a preliminary program of invited conferences, which will be announced in the course of the year.

The organizing comitee

Julie Albaric, Université de Franche-Comté, FR
Flavien Choulet, Université de Franche-Comté, FR
Jon Mosar, Université de Fribourg, CH
Luca Smeraglia, CNR, IT
Benoît Valley, Université de Neuchâtel, CH



09, 10 and 11 October 2024

Jura Tectonics Conference

13 September2024

Registration closes

01 February 2024

Registration opens


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